Nose Aesthetics

Rhinoplasty is one of the most applied surgical procedures in the world. Since the nose is in the middle of the face and makes an effective contribution to facial beauty, during this surgery, internal and external deformities of the nose, which are aesthetically problematic and cause health problems, are corrected.

What is rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty surgeries are planned with an approach that prioritizes the patient’s psychology, keeping the comfort in the healing process and with the awareness that facial beauty is a whole.

Nose aesthetics, also known as Rhinoplasty, are aesthetic surgery performed to reshape the nose. In this surgery, the nose size can be enlarged or reduced; the angle of the nose with the upper lip can be changed; The position of the tip of the nose can be changed, or the problems caused by any blow to the nose, the natural non-aesthetic appearance can be corrected.

In Rhinoplasty surgery, the surgeon makes incisions inside the nose or on the upper skin of the nose, using different techniques to access the cartilage and bones that support the nose. It is tried to be made into the nose as much as possible so that the incisions are usually invisible after the surgery. After rearranging and reshaping the surgical bone and cartilage, making them suitable for the structure of the nose, final adjustments are made. Depending on the desired result, some bone and cartilage can be removed, or tissue can be added (from another part of the body or using a synthetic filler).

A splint can be placed outside the nose to support the newly formed nasal structure and assist in recovery. The term rhinoplasty is derived from the word “Rhinoplastic,” meaning “changing the shape of the nose.” The technique primarily involves accessing the bone and cartilage support of the nose. In other words, this can only be achieved through incisions made inside the nose where we cannot see it. In some cases, an incision is made in the area of the skin that separates the nostrils. The underlying bone and cartilage are then reduced, increased, or rearranged to form a newly formed structure. For example, if the tip of the nose is too large, the surgeon can reduce its size by shaping the cartilage in this area.

If the nose bridge is high and protruding, this can be reduced to give a more pleasing profile. If any part of the nose appears disproportionately small, cartilage or soft tissue grafts may be placed to fit the entire face better. The nose angles associated with the upper lip or forehead can be changed by further shaping the nose support structure.

The tissues are redrawn on the new frame, and the incisions are closed. A small plastic splint can be applied to the nose outside to minimize swelling and help maintain the unique shape while the nose heals. To maintain its softness along the dividing wall of the air passages, called the septum, in the nose, a soft absorbent material, namely tampons, can be used. Soft nasal supports that allow nasal breathing can be placed after the operation. But all of these are possibilities that vary from patient to patient. Even minor corrections to the nose can make a difference in overall facial harmony. Most patients report little pain after surgery, or any discomfort is easily controlled with mild pain medication.


Rhinoplasty operations are an operation that can be performed after the person’s developmental age ends. The nose must take its final shape, so the growth development must be completed. In addition, the psychological aspect of this development is examined by specialists and experienced doctors.

How is rhinoplasty performed?

Rhinoplasty surgeries are performed under general anesthesia. It must be completed in the operating room under hospital conditions with appropriate equipment. The operations are performed with a closed or open technique. The operation time lasts between 1-3 hours.

Nose Aesthetics

These are classical nose surgeries applied to the arched or deformed nose structure due to an impact. The issue we pay the most attention to in nose surgeries is the patient’s age and gender. In addition, the new nose design is aimed to be suitable for the entire facial contour and to be made within the framework of a plan designed for the absolute person.

Secondary Nose Aesthetics or Secondary rhinoplasty, also called revision rhinoplasty, is a surgery we apply to patients who have had previous rhinoplasty. Patients with a collapsed nose cannot have the nose they want and have problems such as not breathing or smelling after recovery can have secondary rhinoplasty.

After Rhinoplasty

Nose Surgery (Rhinoplasty)

The patient stays in the hospital for one night as a precaution. In some cases, temporary bruising and swelling occur after nose surgery. However, after a certain period, this situation disappears. If tampons are placed, they are removed after 2-4 days, and after 6-8 days, where bone healing is thought to occur partially, the splints placed on the nose are removed. If open rhinoplasty is performed, recovery is seen by leaving a faint scar.

During the first few days, it is possible to see very light leaks and light blockages. In the first month, there may be swelling in the nose due to surgery, which may affect breathing slightly. This swelling is removed with the medication recommended by the doctor.

The time to start work after the surgery depends on the technique of the surgery, the procedures performed, the patient’s recovery potential, the work performed by the patient, and the environment in which they live. It is recommended for people who work very actively to start work between 7-10 days after the surgery. If patients who work at a desk do not care about the appearance of their splints in the nose, they can start work on the fourth day.

Some external factors should also be considered during the treatment process. Smoking negatively affects the healing process. It should be protected from sunlight for three months. Since there is no incision after closed surgeries, there is no need to take extra protection against sunlight, but it should be remembered that; Protection from the sun is always essential to prevent premature skin aging. Swimming, running, and similar activities are restricted for specific periods according to the procedures and techniques used. Obtaining additional information from the doctor about using contact lenses and glasses is recommended.

Complete recovery after nose surgeries takes place after 3-6 months.

Plasters and tampons, which fully recover rhinoplasty in a healthy healthily most feared issues for many patients. Today, we would want you to know that breathing is much easier with perforated bumpers. In addition, the tampons placed on your nose are painlessly removed after one or two days, and the plaster is removed after an average of 1 week.