Face Lift

Unfortunately, we feel the first signs of aging in our facial area. Facial skin tissue that cannot resist gravity and the decrease in the facial volume are the first indicators of the onset of aging.

What is a facelift?

If you want to renew and rejuvenate your face and even stop time, facelift surgery may be the solution for you. In facelift surgery, the sagging skin of the face and neck, and even the fat under the chin, if any, can be removed, and it can be performed within the regeneration and revitalization planning of the whole facelift surgery.

Who can have a facelift aesthetic?

• Sagging skin on the face
• Wrinkles around the mouth

• Reduction in the volume of facial fat

• Non-aesthetic neck formation

• Sagging of the chin and jowl skin

• Those who have self-confidence problems due to loss of form in the entire face area

How is facelift surgery performed?

Facelift surgeries are divided into the upper face section containing the forehead and eyebrows, the middle face section including the eye level and its surroundings, and the lower face section including the mouth, chin, and neck region according to the area of the current problem. The purpose of facial rejuvenation surgeries; is to tighten the sagged and loosened skin tissues in different parts of the face in their original places and to tighten the skin by removing the excess sagging skin.

In facelift surgery, scars are hidden in the scalp in the temple area, in the natural folds in front of and behind the ear. Since the surgical scars are hidden, they are not obvious.

Eyelid surgeries, skin peeling, fillers, and botox in combination with facelift surgeries also increase the success of this surgery.

How does a facelift aesthetic scar look?

In traditional facelift surgeries, the incision is usually made just inside the forehead hairline, and the incision continues around the ear and ends in the lower scalp. The adipose tissue is arranged under the chin, face, and neck; the excess is removed and repositioned. The aging and sagging neck are rearranged by incisions under the ear. The area around the ears, eyelids, and upper lip is shaped by making small incisions for repositioning. In closing the incisions, aesthetic procedures are performed the with utmost. The incisions are closed by hiding inside the hairline and the natural ear line.

After Face Lift Surgery

What are the points to be considered in the postoperative period?

After the operation, the patient stays in the hospital for one night and is discharged afterward.

Although pain is not a common situation, pain can be felt and easily relieved by painkillers. Swelling and bruises on the face are possible. In some cases, drains are placed to be removed after one or two days. However, swelling and bruises will almost completely disappear within one to two weeks. After this period, the patient can return to his daily life.

The effective period for appropriate facelift surgeries performed on suitable patients may last from eight to ten years. However, it is helpful to keep in mind that aging also continues in the postoperative period too.

Neck Lift

Usually, the face and neck are treated as a whole area, and the neck region is an inseparable part of it. If there is a problem in your neck area, you will not be able to achieve the desired result by just having a facelift. For this reason, the issue should be looked at as a whole and your neck lift planning should be realized in this direction.

What is a Neck Lift?

Connected to the face the neck area is one of the areas where signs of aging are first felt, such as the face. Loose, deflated balloon appearance in the neck, excess fat tissue, muscle structure that has succumbed to gravity, deformities called turkey neck, and prominent tickle structure are among the main subjects of neck lift operations. In addition, although at a young age, we can observe neck sagging that develops due to genetic reasons or weight gain.

Surgical Neck Lift

Neck lift operations are always considered during the facelift surgical procedure. In neck lift surgery, which starts under local or general anesthesia, an incision is made starting from the front of the ears, to the back of the ear, towards the hair area, and to the natural jaw line. The surgeons suggest that the neck region is expressed as a continuation and integral part of the face and performed together with facelift surgeries.

A small amount of edema and bruising may occur after neck lift surgery. The sagging and out-of-form muscle struct following excess in fat tissue and skin are cut and removed by the existing structure. The reshaped channel is closed by stitching again from the incisions. Based on the condition of our patient, staying overnight in hospital after the surgery may be recommended.

Who can have Neck Lift Surgery?

• Those who experience wrinkles, deflated balloon appearance, sagging, and loss of form on their Neck

• Those who experience deformation in their neck muscles

• Those who have a turkey neck appearance

• Those who have sagging salivary glands

Eyelid aesthetic

Eyelid Aesthetics (Blepharoplasty)

A healthy eye and eye area show the person is young, dynamic, and lively. Excess skin and fat on the upper eyelid, bags, pits, and lines on the lower eyelid are the leading complaints about the eyelid. People who experience these complaints have tired, old, sad, restless facial expressions. For this reason, they may be exposed to the questions of the people around them about their appearance, and their self-confidence and social life may be affected. With eyelid surgery, these problems are eliminated. the person can regain energetic looks and self-confidence.

1. Upper eyelid surgery

In aesthetic upper eyelid surgery, it is possible to remove fat bags and excess skin on the upper eyelid.

2. Lower eyelid surgery

In aesthetic lower eyelid surgery, excess skin and bags are removed. However, when there are additional dimples caused by aging the excess draws are removed and this extracted fat is used to fill these visible pits. This way, pitting is corrected along with bagging by giving a perfect look to the lower eyelid.

Who Can Have Eyelid Aesthetics?

Experiencing a deformation of the upper and lower eyelids, which loosen due to aging and sagging in the direction of fat extension is very common. The reason eyelid aesthetics is so widely performed is to eliminate this problem, which helps the patient get rid of the appearance of fatigue and eye bags, especially within the scope of facial rejuvenation applications. The stretchy build of eyelid skin causes the “hooded” appearance on the upper eyelids. The most common complaint in the lower eyelid is swelling or eye bags. All these problems can be solved with eyelid aesthetic surgery also known as blepharoplasty. Those who have all these problems can have eyelid aesthetics. In some patients, these eyelid defects may occur due to genetic reasons, although their primary problem is not their age or health as some are still in middle age or even younger. A relaxed and lively eye contour can be created by performing eyelid aesthetics on young or middle-aged patients.

After eyelid surgery

After the operation, the patient recovers within 3-4 days and starts to look at life with a younger look around the eyes, with a fresher and more self-confident look.

Advantages of eyelid aesthetics

• Laser technology is used
• The loss of vision due to sagging skin is corrected

• The drooping upper eyelid that causes headaches is removed

• A fresh and youthful appearance is provided

• Quick recovery

• Minimal risk of complications

Cat Eye and Almond Eye aesthetics

What are Cat Eye and Almond Eye Aesthetics?

Cat Eyes, also known as Canthopexy, is a surgical technique used to lift the outer corners of the eyes, correct droopy eyelids, and provide extra eyelid support after upper or lower blepharoplasty. Almond eye and Cat eye can be considered as the same surgery the difference from each other is the rate of slanting. Cat eyes and almond eyes are ideal for changing a tired or sad expression on the face to a positive mood.
For giving a younger look to the eye area by obtaining the ” cat’s eye, or “almond eye” image, which has been popularly used for this eyelid aesthetic recently.

In cat eyes – almond eye aesthetics collects the drooping, loose lower eyelid and reshapes and repositions the end of the upper eyelid. This procedure is done on the outer corner of the eyelid to reconstruct the weakened or stretched eyelid, raising the outer corners of the eyes and improving their overall shape, fixing the lower eyelid.

During the Cat Eyes and Almond Eyes surgery, the lower eyelid tissues (muscle and tars) lateral cantal are passed under the tendon and sutured to the periosteum, that is, to the bone membrane. The surgery is completed by pulling less. A minimally invasive approach is used for this procedure, and better eye skin distribution is achieved with hidden scars. Cat Eyes and almond eyes are also aesthetically more attractive.

Forehead Lift – Brow Lift

As an effect of aging, stress, genetics, nutritional habits, and gravity, deep wrinkles on the forehead, low eyebrows, and lines between the eyebrows, frown eyebrows can be seen. This causes people to look tired, sad, and angry.

Forehead lift and eyebrow lift are aesthetic surgery applications to rejuvenate the upper part of the face, correct the lines on the forehead and wrinkles between the eyebrows, and lift the eyebrows that fall due to aging.

How is the surgery done?

The surgery is performed with two different techniques:

1. Open surgery

In forehead lift surgery performed with open surgery, the forehead area is freed with an incision from the scalp, and the underlying muscles are intervened. Then the excess skin is removed, and tension is provided.

2. Endoscopic methods

It is applied with a few small incisions from the scalp. Stretching and cleaning the muscles are always done from the inside. The surgery takes 2-3 hours under general anesthesia. Drains are placed in the forehead area to be removed after one day.

What are the points to be considered after the surgery?

Although pain is experienced in the first few days, it can be reduced with painkillers. Swelling can be seen in the forehead and around the eyes, which will disappear after about 3-5 days. To minimize post-operative swelling, a bandage is used, the head is kept elevated, and cold compresses are applied. After about 10 days, the stitches are removed. The patient is usually discharged after one day of hospitalization.