Tummy Tuck – Abdominoplasty

Abdominoplasty is an operation that develops due to excess skin after giving birth and frequent weight gain and also helps to genetically solve possible aesthetic problems in the abdomen. The abdominal region, which has a structure that helps to protect a large part of our internal organs, is one of the areas where regional fat is most common in our body.

What is a tummy tuck?

Excess weight gain and loss, hormonal conditions, lubrication in the abdomen after previous pregnancies, sagging of the skin, formation of skin cracks, and laxity of the abdominal muscles. In these cases, tummy tuck surgery is applied.

Especially people with sagging abdominal skin and abdominal muscle laxity that do not improve with proper diet and exercise are suitable candidates for tummy tuck surgery. Abdominoplasty should be considered more as a tummy tuck surgery without losing weight.

Before deciding on tummy tuck surgery, it is recommended to lose and reduce to the ideal weight if the patient is overweight. Since the abdominal skin thickness is high in overweight patients, it is not easy to achieve as good results as in normal-weight patients. Therefore, diet and exercise are recommended first. Patients who come for sagging after losing weight with exercise and diet are among the most suitable.

What exactly does a tummy tuck cover?

The area of surgical interest of the tummy tuck is the area starting from the bottom of the last rib and the mons till the region up to the pubis. The pubis is the fluffy hairy area at the bottom of the cesarean section, also known as the Venus mound. The problem of excessive fat in the abdomen is one of the issues that not only women but also men suffer from. Especially those who consume high-value foods in terms of carbohydrates have fatter in the abdominal region.

Although fat accumulation is tried to be prevented with strict diet lists, the deterioration of the skin structure and the inability to eliminate this fat bring tummy tuck operations to the agenda. Individuals who have lost a considerable amount of weight can only achieve successful results with tummy tuck surgery, from enlarged and sagging skin tissue and skin cracks that cannot be eliminated with today’s technology.

Individuals experience psychological and health problems due to being unable to wear the clothes they want and limited physical movements such as bending forward due to this sagging tissue, and in some cases, bacteria formation due to perspiration.

Who can have tummy tuck surgery?

• Those who have fat accumulation in the abdomen
• Those who experience cracks in the abdominal skin tissue and skin deformation

• Those who have damage to the inner abdominal muscles

• Those who experience wrapping, excess skin, and loss of form

• Those who want to get rid of this non-aesthetic appearance

How is tummy tuck surgery done?

Abdominoplasty operations are surgical operations performed under general anesthesia. The surgery starts with the incision made just inside the cesarean section line. Intra-abdominal muscles are strengthened and tightened. Then the problematic fat layer is removed from the body. If needed pubis and lumbar cavity are redesigned. If female patients also complain of loss of form in the breast area, breast augmentation aesthetics can be included in the tummy tuck operation. In this optional combined application, no incision is made for the silicone implant in the breast, and the implant is placed in the chest area through the ready-made abdominal incision. Afterward, a new bellybutton hole is created for the navel located in the excess skin area is removed, and the incision is closed.

Location of the new belly button

The most important but constantly overlooked subject of abdominal aesthetics is the location of the newly created belly button. The new belly button should be formed at the level of the two pelvis bones, considering the body proportion. A belly button that has not been relocated where it should be creates a different appearance, causing individuals to have an unesthetic appearance.

What are the points to be considered after the surgery?

Drains are placed in the surgical area to be removed after 1 – 4 days to prevent the accumulation of blood and fluids, otherwise called a seroma. In the first few days, the pain is felt less with painkillers. Day by day, the pain decreases, and the patient begins to feel better.

It is recommended for patients to walk by leaning forward to avoid tension in the suture line, especially in the first few days, and to sleep with a pillow on their back.

If the patient does not work in a heavy job, he returns to work after an average of 1-2 weeks. However, using a corset for about 1-1.5 months is recommended.

It takes an average of 6-12 months for the swelling in the abdomen to pass completely and the abdomen to take the desired state. After tummy tuck surgery, patients should pay attention to their weight and avoid excessive weight gain.

Patients who have a heavy weight and are planning to lose this weight, and those who plan to get pregnant in the future after losing their excess weight, should postpone this surgery until after delivery.

Arm and Leg Lift

It is possible to see sagging and cracks in the arms and legs after excessive weight loss in the arm and leg area and sagging due to decreased skin elasticity in advanced ages or genetic predisposition at an earlier age.

Conditions such as loosening and reducing the subcutaneous support tissue in the arms and legs and excessive or inappropriate accumulation of adipose tissue may cause the need for this surgery on the arms and legs.

With arm and leg lift surgery, you can have more tense, younger-looking arms and legs.

In arm lift surgery, the excess fat, skin, and subcutaneous tissue in the inner part of the problematic area is removed. Then, the arm lift surgery is terminated to ensure the arm’s natural and youthful appearance as before. Sometimes liposculpture methods can be included as auxiliary methods in arm lift surgeries.

Medications are given for your convenience during the surgical procedure. Your doctor will make the best choice for you, and the surgery is started with sedation or general anesthesia. The length and form of the incision to be made into the arm vary according to the amount of excess skin removed. Depending on the surgeon’s preference, the incisions are made on the inside or the back of the arm and are made only in the area from the elbow to the armpit. After the incision, liposuction or different fat transfer methods are applied to remove the fatty part. The arm muscles and adipose tissue are reshaped, and the closing phase is started. Arm lift incisions are usually closed with removable or absorbable sutures.

How is the surgery done?

Excess and drooping skin and subcutaneous excesses are removed by making appropriate incisions from the right areas. As a result of the surgery, there may be scars on invisible parts of the body. These scars are usually in the area close to the armpit and the inner part of the arm, which are the least visible places for the arms when viewed from the outside. For leg lift surgery, the groin area is hidden in the inner part of the leg, and the fold area located under the hip. Liposuction surgery is often performed together with arm lift surgery. This way, it is possible to reduce the subcutaneous fat tissue more and remove more sagging skin.

After Arm Lift Surgery

You will be very comfortable after the arm lift and leg lift surgery. Swelling and bruising in your arms and legs and slightness in these areas will be observed in approximately two weeks. We recommend that you leave the hospital with information about the recovery process you must apply after you go home.

Return to Normal Life After Arm and Leg Lift Surgery

Arm and Leg stretching operations are operations for that we receive excellent feedback. The healing time of the first wound is observed in 5 to 10 days. 2 weeks after the operation, the swelling dissipates, and the incision lines begin to fade. In the meantime, the patient can return to his everyday life. After arm lift surgery, heavy physical sports activities should be avoided for two months. You can maintain your rejuvenated appearance with lifelong weight control and arm and leg exercises. In addition, a healthy lifestyle also benefits the longevity of results.


A balanced fat distribution and a proportional contour line are among the basic elements of an attractive human body. Many people suffer from the problem of regional fat accumulation, which they cannot dissolve and shape despite their diet and exercise. The liposuction procedure is a highly modern application that provides a solution to this stubborn and regional lubrication problem that makes the general body line look non-aesthetic. With the liposuction procedure, your existing lines can be modified, and the desired shape form can be created.

What is liposuction?

Liposuction is a surgical procedure applied to shape and regulate the human body’s unbalanced fat distribution. Liposuction, an effective remedy for the problem of regional fat accumulation, is also used as an auxiliary element in many aesthetic surgery procedures. For example, liposuction is used in gynecomastia surgeries and applied for breast enlargement problems in male patients. In crooked leg correction operations, fat is collected from another part of the patient and added to the problematic area to camouflage the deformity. In short, liposuction is a frequently used application to improve the results of recent aesthetic surgery and to make it more effective.

When liposuction surgeries are used purely without being combined with any other procedure, it is mainly applied to the stubborn regional fat accumulation problem that does not respond to diet and exercise. To create a natural contour, this area, which has oily and protruding issues, can be removed with liposuction and shaped like a sculpture.

How is liposuction done?

Liposuction is an application that can be performed under local anesthesia when it is not used as an auxiliary technique in another aesthetic surgery procedure. General anesthesia may also be preferred. Your plastic surgeon decides on your type of anesthesia, and the areas where the process will be performed are designed with a pencil. One or more small incisions are made near the treatment area. Depending on the technique, thin cannulas or thin tubes are inserted through these incisions. Under the surgeon’s direction, the instrument’s vibration allows the fat under the skin to be melted and extracted. The duration of the procedure varies according to the size of the area and the amount of fat removed.

After liposuction

With today’s advanced liposuction techniques, swelling, bruising, or skin fluctuation problems are minimal. Although it varies depending on your pain threshold, many patients can get through their healing without using painkillers. Many patients can resume their daily lives a few days after the procedure, depending on the size of the procedure and the physical intensity of their current lives.

After liposuction, your surgeon may recommend wearing a corset when necessary. This precautionary application is applied to prevent the skin’s contraction and the formation of swelling. Small incision scars heal within a few weeks and disappear entirely after one year.

Which areas is liposuction applied to?

The areas where excess fat can be removed by liposuction are the abdomen, waist, hips, buttocks, knees, ankles, arms, breasts, face, and jowl.

Butt aesthetics – Brazilian Butt Lift

A Brazilian butt lift is a kind of butt lift and augmentation surgery that makes the hips look younger, natural, and more in shape. Our patients who do not like the appearance of their hips can have butt aesthetics regardless of size, shape, or sagging skin.

How is Butt Aesthetics Performed?

There are various techniques in butt lift-lift operations. Usually, fat is taken from the hip area and injected into the butt area. Fat injection, prosthesis, and filler injection can be used during the procedure. Patients with volume loss can also be treated with a natural prosthesis created from their own body fat.

Butt lift surgery can be performed under local or general anesthesia. The operation takes up to 2 hours.

In incision surgeries, the butt is surgically pulled up, and a flap is prepared from the body. This acts as a natural prosthesis. This method is mainly used in older patients.

Recovery and Outcome

The recovery period after buttock aesthetics may vary depending on age, health, and physical or environmental conditions.
No sutures are made in the application. Processing is done with micro inputs. You don’t have to wear a bandage. You can return to your social life immediately after the operation. Still, we recommend you not lift heavy weights, run, and avoid activities requiring physical strength within one week after the surgery. The more you rest, the faster you will recover.


• Tight and natural result
• A refreshed appearance and healthy skin texture

• Fast recovery

• Getting rid of regional fats

• Balanced waist, hip play


The uncontrolled growth of breast tissue in men and the aesthetic intervention that eliminates this problem is called gynecomastia surgery.

What causes breast enlargement in men?

Gynecomastia is one of the aesthetic problems for men of this age. An unhealthy diet, uncontrolled use of additives by the food industry, and hormonal changes mostly cause underlying breast tissue growth. In addition, sedentary lifestyles are also thought to trigger breast growth. Other factors that cause breast enlargement in men are drugs that are compulsorily used due to health problems. Other causes of gynecomastia include alcohol and drug use, hypogonadism, aging, tumors, hyperthyroidism, kidney and liver failure, and malnutrition that will disrupt hormonal balance.

Gynecomastia is most at risk of being seen in adolescents or those over 60, those who use steroids or androgen-containing supplements for athletic performance, and those with certain chronic diseases.

How is Gynecomastia surgery performed?

The gynecomastia surgery, performed under general anesthesia in the operating room environment, is completed in approximately 1-2 hours. The plastic surgeon first makes a consultation and determines which method to use in gynecomastia surgery according to the nature of the growth in the breast. In gynecomastia caused by adipose tissue, the liposuction technique is applied. In this technique, the fatty tissues are melted by ultrasonic sound waves and extracted from the body by vacuuming them. A 3-4 millimeter incision is made in the treated area to remove the liquefied fat from the body, and vacuuming is performed with the help of a cannula (thin tube). Since the incisions made for the cannulas are millimetric, no scars are left on the skin after the application.

The surgical method is used as a solution for gynecomastia caused by both fat and breast tissue. In the surgical method, the incision is made in the shape of a half-moon at the transition point between the nipple and the skin so that the scar can be hidden entirely. In this method, excess skin can be removed as well as fat and breast tissue. Gynecomastia surgery is performed with an aesthetic approach and using up-to-date technology, and completed without leaving visible scars and in a way that cannot be seen from the outside. After the surgery, the patient is discharged on the same day or one day later. If the patient does not work in a job that requires physical performance, he can quickly return to his daily life after 3-4 days.

Advantages of incisionless gynecomastia surgery

• It can be done under local or general anesthesia
• It is applied in a short time

• It is done with micro-entries without making any incisions

• It is possible to switch to social life immediately after the operation

• Does not damage nerves and vessels

• Swelling, bruising, and pain are minimal

• Provides maximum comfort to the patient

Vagina Aesthetics

Vaginal aesthetic surgery is a surgical operation performed to eliminate genetic changes and changes suffered after birth in the female genitalia.

What is vaginal aesthetics?

We know that any problem in the vagina causes psychological or social issues in women and affects the sexual life of couples. For this reason, vaginal aesthetic surgeries, which help to leave all these problems behind, are performed based on excellent care and confidentiality.

Personal and feminine instincts underlie the increasing demands of women against Vaginal Aesthetics in recent years. Just like the facial area, the philosophy of rejuvenation has to apply to the vagina aesthetics. That’s why this technique is called also Genital Beautification. An aesthetic vagina, which significantly affects the woman’s self-confidence, helps her have a healthier and more satisfying sex life with her partner and also helps to eliminate possible problems that may occur in this area. Vaginal aesthetics should be considered a whole application; this way, only success is achieved, and the vagina attains the desired aesthetic form.

Genital Beautification, Vagina Tightening

The Genital Beautification technique underlines the first step of a healthy sexual life, self-confidence, and togetherness that should be mutually satisfactory. Factors such as uncontrolled births, high-weight babies, the physiological aging process, and hormonal fluctuations cause this area to wear out quickly and experience problems such as loss of form.

The relaxation problems experienced in the vagina area also cause many issues, especially the loss of self-confidence, which causes couples not to get the sexual pleasure they should have. In the Genital Beautification technique, a small amount of fat is taken from the regional fat of the patient and enriched with stem cells. This fat, injected into areas with relaxation problems, allows the vagina to narrow, rejuvenate with the advantages of stem cells and regain form. After an average of 1 week after this procedure, which is applied without incisions, it is possible to have sexual intercourse.

Genital Beautification, Inner Lip Sagging

The deformities, one of the most common problems in the genital area, reveal especially sagging and asymmetry problems. If we look at the region’s anatomy, we see a curved structure that starts thin and continues along a gradually widening line and tapers again. Usually, the inner lips cannot be expected to be 100% symmetrical, but in some cases, excessive drooping appearance and size can develop both aesthetic concerns and health problems in women. This sagging problem, which can be irritated by rubbing against underwear, also causes problems with beachwear and clothing such as tight pants or tights and can easily cause infections such as fungus due to excess skin. In the Genital Beautification technique, an aesthetic result is obtained efficiently and comfortably by using laser technologies for inner lip sagging. Laser technologies used in correcting internal lip deformities, also known as labiaplasty, also provide significant advantages to the patient during recovery, making it easier to get results quickly.

Pigmentation problem in the vagina – Dark Color in the vagina

Hormonal fluctuations and the use of daily pads cause aesthetic concerns. This pigmentation problem is corrected with the advantages of the stem cell used in fat transfer and turns into a healthy skin color.

Genital Beautification and Clitoris

The hairy area between the cesarean section and the clitoris Mons Pubis – is the bulge of Venus. Excess fat in this area causes clitoris closure and insufficient stimulation. In addition, this excess of fat in the Venus mound causes problems for many women due to the non-aesthetic appearance that appears when they wear beach clothes. The swelling in this area returns to its normal state by removing the existing fat with minimal point entrances. It both gains an aesthetic form and facilitates stimulation by exposing the clitoris.

Genital Beautification and G spot

“G Shot” is used on the “G Spot,” which we have discussed in the genital beautification technique; it is an area inside the vagina where women are stimulated, except for the clitoris. We know that women have pleasure centers in 2 different places. The first is the clitoris, located just above the urethral opening, and the second is the G-spot area on the anterior wall, 5-6 cm inside the vaginal entrance and with an average width of 3 cm. The G-spot is a structurally rough area, and as it is stimulated during intercourse, it swells and increases sexual pleasure. On the other hand, slightly inflating this erogenous zone increases the effect of friction, facilitates orgasm, and gives more pleasure during sexual intercourse. With the G-spot, which is made ready for arousal, a better sexual life with an increased depth becomes possible.

Genital Beautification and Incontinence

We also solve the possible urinary incontinence problem with the Genital Beautification technique. Unfortunately, the fact that the female reproductive and excretory systems are in different areas brings along some issues. The problem of involuntary urinary incontinence, which significantly affects the quality of life, causes many women to have a hard time even when they sneeze, cough, laugh or startle. Many factors influence deteriorating tissue quality in this area and increasing intra-abdominal pressure. Complicated uncontrolled vaginal deliveries, menopause, overweight, and pregnancy are among the most observed reasons for progress.

The anterior vaginal wall and the urinary bladder are back-to-back, adherent areas. The increase in intra-abdominal pressure due to difficult births and high-weight babies due to different reasons, but the most wearing effect of the support wall over time triggers the problem of urinary incontinence.

Today, 80% of women who give birth vaginally have problems such as deterioration of the vaginal anatomy and weakening pelvic floor muscles. If you have a urinary incontinence problem, we observe that the collagen tissue in the area is not intact and there is loosening in the supporting tissues under the bladder. For this reason, we make involuntary urinary incontinence in two different ways according to the size of the problem in the region.

Surgical Intervention for Urinary Incontinence

It aims to reshape the area in patients with advanced urinary incontinence and severe damage to the region’s anatomy. All muscles and tissues that are sagging, deformed, and make the act of urination involuntary are intervened.

Genital Beautification and Hymen Removal – Hymenoplasty

The hymen is a region in our culture that symbolizes virginity. Religious beliefs and culture of ethnic structures emphasize the importance of chastity, and this structure brings some sanctions. Hymenoplasty operations are frequently performed in our country due to the events that occur due to the hymen and damage the woman’s identity. First of all, we are aware that mental health and positive thinking are much more critical, and we hope that unfortunate events will not occur due to this taboo situation.

The hymen is a region located at the entrance of the vagina and has a different type and feature in every woman. It is not only damaged by sexual intercourse. It can be this way from birth, or it can be torn due to tampon use or other reasons. Hymen implantation is a personal preference, so it can be perfectly restored in line with individual beliefs and wishes for the area’s reconstruction.

How is Vagina Aesthetics Performed?

Genital Beautification is a complete application. Possible problems of the region are identified, and solutions are provided for the problem. The Genital Beautification technique is performed under general anesthesia.

Vagina whitening

The darkening problem in the vagina, one of the possible aesthetic problems of the genital area, can be eliminated with the non-surgical vagina whitening process. The color change observed in most women, especially those who have given birth, is a pigmentation problem. This pigmentation change that occurs in the vulva area, which is located on the outer part of the genital area, occurs mainly due to the dominant estrogen hormone. Especially during pregnancy, it becomes permanent after the female hormone increases, causing women to experience aesthetic concerns.

What is vagina whitening?

It is a laser treatment that solves the pigmentation problem that causes darkening in the vulva region. The device helps you get an excellent response by targeting the dark tissues in the area and with the appropriate dose of light for the area’s sensitivity.

How is vagina whitening done?

Vagina whitening is a painless, scarless, incision-less, and practical procedure that does not affect social life. Local anesthesia can be performed due to the sensitivity of the area. The laser, which scans the area with its specially developed head, targets the existing dark melanin layer, solves the pigmentation problem in the skin tissue, and provides lightening of the color. At the end of the session, which lasts for an average of 15 minutes, the vagina whitening process is completed.