One of the most common cosmetic problems today is hair loss. Although it is thought to be specific to men, it is a problem that women face from time to time. It is normal to lose between 50 and 100 strands of hair daily. A specialist should be consulted if there is a shedding in numbers above this. Although hair loss can be reduced or prevented with various hair treatments such as hair lasers and PRP, hair transplantation is a permanent solution for people who have experienced heavy alopecia.


Hair transplantation operation is performed in three main stages;

1. Collection of hair follicles (Extraction)

The donor area is prepared for the process; the hair follicles are collected one by one with the FUE micromotor. Each of these roots or follicular units, called grafts, contains an average of 2-3 hairs. In the meantime, the roots mustn’t be damaged. 

2. Channel Opening

Opening the channels at the right size and depth according to the region affects the rate of hair growth. Care should be taken to open a channel suitable for the size and length of the follicle unit to be transplanted. The angle of the channel should also be well-adjusted to obtain the most natural growth direction of the hair.

3. Implanting the grafts in the opened channels

In the last stage, the collected grafts are manually placed in the opened channels at 40 to 45-degree angles, and the hair transplant procedure is completed.

FUE method application in hair transplantation

In Follicular Unit Extraction, briefly called the FUE method, hair follicles are taken one by one with micro punches that create 0.6mm – 0.8mm diameter abrasions with special tips under local anesthesia and placed in balding affected areas, taking into account the natural hair growth angle and direction.

There are approximately 2-3 hair follicles in the collected grafts. In a session, 4000-6000 grafts and an average of 8000-12000 hair follicles are obtained. Implanting time varies between 4 and 6 hours, depending on the width of the open area. One of the most critical issues to be considered in hair transplantation is that the procedure should be done in a hospital with sterile operating room conditions.

The area where the hair follicles will be transplanted has been determined by marking beforehand. The hair follicle is implanted after the channel opening in this area according to its size and direction.

It is possible to implant 50 – 60 hair follicles per square centimeter, depending on the number of grafts obtained and the opening.


Today, the following hair transplantation methods are successfully applied. Each technique is used by being specially selected according to the needs and demands of the patient. The common opinion of the doctor and the patient on which way to apply is essential.


2. Sapphire FUE Hair Transplant

3. DHI Hair Transplant

4. Normal FUE Hair Transplant


How many hours does a Hair Transplantation take, and is it comfortable?

The operation takes an average of 6-8 hours. General anesthesia isn’t strictly performed during this operation and is not recommended. The patient is administered a controlled dose of sedatives called sedation before performing the local anesthetics. During this time, the patient is a little drowsy but still conscious.

Is there any Pain Felt During a Hair Transplant Operation?

Since hair transplantation is performed under local anesthesia, the feeling of pain is minimal. Another method used in addition to local anesthesia is the sedation application. We can offer a dream-like hair transplant experience to our patients who are anxious and have a low level of pain tolerance.

How Many Days Should I Stay for Hair Transplant Operation?

Considering the pre and postoperative processes, it will be sufficient for the patient to stay two days for the hair transplant operation. In this 2-day process;

Day 1 (Hair transplant operation):

Hair transplantation and PRP treatment procedures are completed in our hospital.

Day 2 (Control and Washing Procedure is Applied):

Our patient is re-hosted in our hospital and checked whether there is any damage, bleeding, or infection (common complications) in the roots on the area where hair transplantation was performed. The first wash is applied by Dr. Med’s specialist doctors and an experienced team.

The process after the second day:

Ten days after hair transplantation, the scalp is almost healed and has shed its crusts. For complete results, it will take between 6 months and 18 months.


The Sapphire FUE hair transplantation technique opens channels with a sapphire microblade instead of a steel micro blade. Sapphire blade shape allows the opening of micro-channels much smaller, smoother, and denser than steel ones in the area where the implanting will be done. Micro-opening of the channels minimizes tissue damage on the scalp and reduces crusting. Thus, after the application, the scalp heals quickly, and no visible scars remain.

Micro-channels opened with sapphire tips allow hair follicles to be planted frequently and follow the natural direction of hair growth. Thanks to this technique, those who experience hair loss have natural hair that cannot be distinguished from their hair.

  • Real sapphire tips are used instead of steel slits
  • Recovery time is shorter
  • Less tissue damage occurs
  • A much dense hair transplant can be done
  • There will be a comfortable recovery process after transplantation.


In the DHI “Direct Hair Transplantation” technique, first local anesthesia is applied to the donor area, and the hair follicles are collected with the help of a micromotor. The hair follicles are placed one by one on a special pen called CHOI and implanted directly on the scalp without opening channels first. This method is applied without harming healthy tissues on the scalp and is advantageous because it allows more density.

This method is preferred because after the grafts are extracted, they are placed on the scalp immediately without a long waiting time. Thus, the success rate and the probability of the grafts staying healthy increases.

DHI hair transplantation must be performed by the best hair transplantation centers and specialists to achieve good results. The use of the CHOI pen in the DHI method requires particular expertise.


With the HYBRID hair transplantation method, achieving the perfect hair in one session is no longer a dream!

The HYBRID hair transplantation method combines the FUE and DHI methods in a single session. While the front line and hair tightening procedures with the DHI method by entering between the hair in the areas where the existing hair is present provides a more natural and realistic appearance, the transplantation process with sapphire tips without tissue loss for balding areas where the aperture is dense is implemented. With this method, you can return to your daily life in a shorter time after transplantation.

Beard – Mustache Transplantation

Bearded youngsters have recently been at the forefront of movies and TV series, bringing beard and mustache transplanting to the front. This cultivation, which is very popular not only among Turkish men but also among Arab men, should be grouped into the beard and mustache category.

In men’s beard and mustache areas, the hair follicles taken from the scalp are transplanted to areas with no or very sparse hair. The point to be noted here is that the hair in the nucha region is used as a donor in beard-mustache transplantation. As with the hair on the scalp, beards, and mustaches also have their specific hair growth directions. Mustaches have curves. In the beards, there are turns in the middle region and bends in the side region. For this reason, it is necessary to pay attention to the aspects and angles of each implanting place. As in eyebrow transplantation, channels should be opened at certain angles of 5-10 degrees.

How is beard and mustache transplantation done?

Beard and mustache transplantation is a one-session procedure performed under local anesthesia. It is a painless procedure that takes approximately 4-5 hours. On the following day of the procedure, some minor crusts can be seen in the transplanted area. However, it soon passes. The hairs at the ends of the transplanted roots will start to shed after 15 days. This is a normal process. After three months, the hairs begin to grow again. Within 6 to 8 months, the patient will have the desired beard and mustache.