Many people wonder what penis enlargement surgery and penile aesthetics are.

The penis, known as the male external genital organ, is a limb that performs sexual functions and allows urine to be ejected from the body. It has a spongy structure that can be strengthened anatomically. It is rich in collagen and contains structural proteins. Although penile-related health problems are sporadic during the excretion of urine from the body, sexual dysfunctions are frequently encountered.

The erection of the penis and its adequate size is essential during sexual intercourse. The erection of the penis helps the sperm to reach the woman’s reproductive system more easily during sexual intercourse. In addition, the erectile tissue inside the penis is filled with blood during sexual arousal to harden and enlarge the penis. Thus, the penis increases in size and becomes rigid.

Many men are concerned about the size of their penis during an erection. According to the research, the proportion of men who think the size of their penis is ideal is around 45%. For a large community, penis length is insufficient. Although it is believed that alternatives exist by helping to increase the size of the penis, the only method that works for this purpose is penile enlargement surgery. With surgical techniques, penile lengthening and penile thickness can be increased. Prof. Dr. Baris NUHOGLU